S.O.S. for Haiti
Help Us Provide Enhanced Medical Care
for the Children
S.O.S. for Haiti is a fund to support the medical care, programs and the ongoing operation of our clinic, Klinik Espwa. Medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, staffing, equipment and functional costs of the clinic are a continual need and a big part of our operating budget.
Providing adequate medical care to our 600 plus children in residence, as well as outreach to the local community, is part of Free the Kids’ overall mission to nurture and care for Haiti’s abandoned and vulnerable children.
Please help us sustain our clinic and medical program.
Your donation will go a long way in providing medical care to those who need it the most. Just the provision of basic medical care in Haiti can make a HUGE difference in the quality of life. Your gift can do that. Please help us today.
- Dr. Cynthia DeSoi treating a young patient
A Brief History
S.O.S. for Haiti began in 2009 as a fundraising campaign for construction and costs associated with our new Klink Espwa. Created by one of our volunteers, the campaign included two open-water “Escape from Alcatraz” swims to raise awareness and support for this cause. Construction is now complete and a ribbon cutting ceremony was held on June 15, 2012, to mark its official opening. S.O.S for Haiti continues as a fund to sustain our clinic and medical care & programs at Pwoje Espwa.
We are extremely grateful for the generosity of many donors who helped make the new facility a reality, and for your ongoing support.
- Clinic Under Construction
Clinic Nearing Completion
- The New Klinik Espwa
For more information on Klinik Espwa and our medical program click here.
For more specific information about the S.O.S. for Haiti campaign / fund, visit www.sosforhaiti.blogspot.com.