Conduct A Fundraiser
Many of our supporters have used their creativity and passion for the poor to help raise money for Hope Village. Here are a some ideas based on of the kinds of fundraisers initiated by our friends:
- Host a fundraising event with your church or organization. Successful church fundraisers have included spaghetti dinners, auctions and raffles.
- Have a garage sale. Get rid of your unwanted stuff and help the poor in the process.
- For birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations, ask your guests to donate to Free the Kids in lieu of a gift.
- Recycling – Turn your trash into treasure for the poor in Haiti. Paper, glass are worth money. Get a group to commit to help with their recycling too. There’s power in numbers!
- Electronic Waste Recycling – Google “Electronic Waste Recycling Fundraiser +your city” There are recycling firms that will help you coordinate a fundraising event. Invite y our community to dispose of their electronics (cell phones, TVs, VCRs, computers, monitors, power supplies, etc.) This is another great purging opportunity which can support our friends at Hope Village.
- Restaurant Fundraiser – Ask a local restaurant to commit a day to “Free the Kids!” It’s a win-win when you pack the house at a local bistro! The restaurant packs the house and is more than happy to share a % of sales with your non-profit organization.
- Car Wash – This makes a great summer fundraiser and you can put your teenagers to work too! Contact a local car wash and see if they’re interested in putting on a fundraiser for the kids in Haiti.