Conduct A Fundraiser

Many of our supporters have used their creativity and passion for the poor to help raise money for Hope Village.  Here are a some ideas based on of the kinds of fundraisers initiated by our friends:

  1. Host a fundraising event with your church or organization. Successful church fundraisers have included spaghetti dinners, auctions and raffles.
  2. Have a garage sale. Get rid of your unwanted stuff and help the poor in the process.
  3. For birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations, ask your guests to donate to Free the Kids in lieu of a gift.
  4. Recycling – Turn your trash into treasure for the  poor in Haiti. Paper, glass are worth money.  Get a group to commit to help with their recycling too. There’s power in numbers!
  5. Electronic Waste Recycling – Google “Electronic Waste Recycling Fundraiser +your city” There are recycling firms that will help you coordinate a fundraising event. Invite y our community to dispose of their electronics (cell phones, TVs, VCRs, computers, monitors, power supplies, etc.) This is another great purging opportunity which can support our friends at Hope Village.
  6. Restaurant Fundraiser – Ask a local restaurant to commit a day to “Free the Kids!” It’s a win-win when you pack the house at a local bistro! The restaurant packs the house and is more than happy to share a % of sales with your non-profit organization.
  7. Car Wash – This makes a great summer fundraiser and you can put your teenagers to work too!  Contact a local car wash and see if they’re interested in putting on a fundraiser for the kids in Haiti.
There are so many wonderful ways that you can gather your community to help raise funds for the children at Hope Village. Our generous friends have done everything from bake sales, to $1 for free dress days at private schools. For more ideas, information and materials to support your fundraiser, please contact Dee Orlowski.