June 2009 Featured Child

Child Spotlight: Bonhomme, age 15 

Bonhomme and his younger brothers were inseparable. But when their mother died several years ago, the brothers were torn apart.Bonhomme and his brother Bossco were brought to Project Espwa to live. But their younger brother, Fedlin, was sent away to become a Restavek. French for “stay with,” restaveks are poor children who live with a wealthier family and work as domestic servants in exchange for food, shelter, and education. Often, however, these children are treated as slaves and endure a life of abuse and neglect. For four years Bonhomme and Bossco wondered what had become of their little brother, but they didn’t tell anyone what had happened. Then last month after Bonhomme broke his wrist in a horse riding accident, the brothers were reunited. Bonhomme had to spend a day in town while his arm was being set in a cast. He missed his brother Bossco and began thinking about his little brother too. The next day he tearfully began telling Fr. Marc about his younger brother who was a restavek. Just two days later Fr. Marc and his staff located Fedlin and brought him to live at Espwa. The three brothers were overjoyed to see each other again. Fedlin was also very excited to be starting school again. He hadn’t been in four years – the whole time he was a restavek. His brother Bossco has happily agreed to help him catch up with his studies. “Espwa has changed our lives because now we are together again and we will be able to see each other all the time,” Bonhomme said. Project Espwa cares for many children who were once restaveks. Your donation can bring happy endings, like the one Bonhomme and his brothers received, to more Haitian children in desperate need. Click here to help to help a child today.