May 2009 Featured Child

Child Spotlight: Aunon ‘Edy’ Winson Jude, age 12 

Before Edy came to Project Espwa, his only possessions were two pairs of shoes and a few tattered pieces of clothing. After his father died, Edy’s mother struggled to care for him and his seven siblings. She turned to family for help, and Edy was entrusted to an elderly grandmother. Life with his grandmother was difficult. She too was very poor and couldn’t afford to fix the leaky roof of their small cement-block home or buy clothes. They often went whole days without food, because she had no money. About a year ago Edy started having seizures – lots of them. His family, who lived in Camp Perrin, brought him to the hospital in Les Cayes, a nearly one-hour trip over winding, bumpy roads. Edy was too sick to go back to his home in Camp Perrin, and his grandmother couldn’t afford to stay with him in Les Cayes – so she brought him to Project Espwa. His health soon improved and he was welcomed into the village with love. Though he still occasionally has seizures, Edy is able to keep them under control with the medicine he receives twice a day at Espwa. With this help he is able to have a normal childhood. Edy enjoys going to school each day; he’s in third grade. He likes to play soccer, something he didn’t do in Camp Perrin because the other children wouldn’t let him play because of his seizures. He also goes to church often now because he has good clothes to wear. “This project has brought me hope,” Edy said with a smile. “I am so grateful to be here.” There are many more children like Edy who depend on Project Espwa to help them grow and flourish. Without the help of this compassionate ministry, they would have no hope. To make a donation and give hope to Edy and others like him, please click here.