Gifts in Kind
Gifts in Kind Statement
Free the Kids, Inc. is dedicated to sustaining the support in Haiti and Gifts in Kind are critically important to the overall operational success of Pwoje Espwa Sud in Haiti. Free the Kids, Inc. accepts products or services in order to support Pwoje Espwa Sud which is helping Haiti’s abandoned children, by nurturing them to lead more productive lives. While Espwa is home to over 600 children, thousands more attend our K-12 & vocational schools, and benefit from our food & medical programs.
Coordination of Gifts in Kind
In order for the hard work put forth in soliciting for and obtaining In-Kind Gifts to be of the fullest benefit to the operations, it is important that the In-Kind Gifts be approved by the Executive Director and coordinated with the Development Director for Free the Kids, Inc. Gifts in Kind should enhance the organization’s ability to nurture the abandoned children of Haiti and help them lead more productive lives. Therefore, the organization should not accept gifts that are obsolete, damaged, or unrelated to its mission/operations. Please refer to the list below for examples of In-Kind Gifts that are most needed and appropriate for the operational support at Pwoje Espwa Sud in Haiti.
Transportation of Gifts in Kind
The cost of importing In-Kind Gifts to Haiti and transporting the goods to Pwoje Espwa Sud can put undue costs on the organization and hinder its ability to meet the day to day needs of caring for the children. Therefore, we ask that donors who would like to contribute with In-Kind Gifts be responsible for the cost of importing and transportation of the goods to Pwoje Espwa Sud. An estimate of these costs should be discussed and agreed upon with Free the Kids prior to the receipt of the Gift.
Visitors Bringing Gifts in Kind
Free the Kids, Inc. encourages and coordinates visitor groups to Pwoje Espwa Sud. It is typical that visitors will want to bring gifts and supplies in order to reduce the cost of shipping and purchases. We ask that all visitors coordinate these Gifts in Kind with the Visitor Coordinator for Free the Kids, Inc. prior to collecting the items to determine priority needs and documentation. Contact information for the Visitor Coordinator for Free the Kids, Inc. can be found on the Free the Kids Website.
Recognition of Gifts in Kind
By law, non-profit organizations cannot provide a donor with the dollar value of an In-Kind Gift. The IRS requires, for our records and yours, that an estimation of the dollar amount of a non-cash contribution be given by the donor. IRS publication 563, “Determining the Value of Donated Property” is helpful for individuals, partnerships, and corporations who make non-cash contributions. If a non-cash contribution exceeds $500, the taxpayer must file IRS Form 8283. In instances where time and service are donated, no tax receipt whatsoever is allowed. For further information on time and services donated, please refer to the IRS Publication 526 “Charitable Contributions”.
Examples of In-Kind Gifts
• New Clothing, Shoes, Underwear
• New Technology Items
• Hygiene Supplies
• Shelter Materials
• Transportation in times of emergencies
• Vitamins or Medications
• Medical Services & Supplies
• Dental Care & Supplies
• School Supplies
• Consultants for ongoing development of programs
• Dry Foods
• Maintenance Supplies
• Tools
All gifts of land, buildings, vehicles, or other capital assets must have the prior approval from the Executive Director through the Development Director before acceptance from the donor.
Just a few of our Previous Donors of In-Kind Gifts
• Canadian Food for Children
• Cross International
• Dental Care for Children
• Dr. Blood & Surgical Team
• Dr. Cynthia DeSoi for Medical Treatments
• Drs. Lawrence & Danielle Mutty for Medical Treatments
• Dr. Jerome Nasenbeny for Medical Treatments
• Feed My Starving Children
• Kids Against Hunger
• Lifeline Christian Mission
• Sanofi Pasteur for Vaccines