Helping bridge the gap between strategy and success
HiPerf, Inc.’s tools and techniques are used to support involvement throughout the organization and to provide roadmaps to achieve the organization's desired outcomes.
To demonstrate this belief, we use a system model as we progress through the HiPerf Consulting and Training Process. A systems perspective provides a view of the whole organization and highlights the implications of any consulting and training service. Often we find it beneficial to work with our customers to design a model to fit an organization’s specific needs. A systems model is a tool for helping to maintain a systems perspective, avoid tunnel vision and consider organizational complexities as we plan and implement training and consulting services. HiPerf training and consulting change tools and techniques are designed to enhance an organization’s management, organizational and business services.
During the “Assessment” phase we conduct a needs assessment. The assessment data is reviewed with the customer and a “Plan” is developed. Appropriate consultation and training services are then “Implemented”.
HiPerf Consulting and Training Process incorporates action planning and
implementation based on organizational data
and follow-up measurement.
the “Evaluation” phase, measurement indicators and stakeholder perceptions are
tracked to determine progress.
Actions are redirected if necessary to achieve the desired
Throughout each phase we work closely with our customers to ensure our training and consulting actions are consistent with their needs.
Our process provides flexibility to enable the redirection of action should the business environment change.