Customer Service…Exceeding Expectations

In today’s competitive business environment it is no longer good enough to have employees focus on meeting their customers’ basic needs.

Customers in today’s world do business with organizations that exceed their expectations and provide consistent positive experiences. Even organizations that hire employees based on customer focused traits find that there are specific skills, techniques and knowledge that have to be developed before the employee can create customer experiences that “wow” the customer.

The first step to engage employees in this customer-focused mindset is to ensure they understand the product and service they provide.

Participants will:

    bullet define their level of customer service responsibility and accountability
    bullet identify proactive versus reactive problem solving
    bullet discuss the meaning of “WOW” service
    bullet obtain the tools and information to achieve success

HiPerf, Inc. provides a full range of consultation services on-site or at locations designated by the customer. The following services outline our consulting, facilitation, surveying, and training support services:


SIN 874-1 Consulting Services

SIN 874-2 Facilitation Services

SIN 874-3 Surveying Services

SIN 874-4 Training Services