Consulting Services  SIN 874-1

HiPerf provides a full range of consultation services on-site or at locations designated by the customer. The following outlines our consulting services:

bullet Executive and Management Coaching: Many organizations have strong internal resources and processes that define and support coaching of frontline through middle management. Executive coaching benefits upper management by helping them to become more open minded and objective. It also reminds executives of the significance of the actions that their subordinates are required to carry out on a daily basis. HiPerf provides coaching at all levels within an organization. The level of coaching, frequency and areas of focus will vary depending on the executive and the situation.

bullet Organizational Assessments: It is important for organizations to have a solid baseline from which to measure the current state of the organization. HiPerf will assist organizations with assessments including design, facilitation and the evaluation of assessment results. The assessments can include operational (manufacturing, finance, purchasing) or human resource (cultural, climate, norms, etc.).

bullet Futures and Breakthrough Thinking: Organizations often get in a rut concerning new business, new products or thinking differently about their operations. Futures and Breakthrough Thinking allows organizations to get out of their box and look at what they could become.

bullet Leadership Systems: Leaders require diverse leadership skills to respond to a variety of work challenges as well as a highly diverse workforce. HiPerf provides coaching to leaders and managers to enable them to become flexible and adaptable in applying a wide range of leadership skills.

bullet Strategic Planning: Organizations must have a clear sense of what business they personare in and where they are going. HiPerf assists in the development of vision, mission, guiding principles, values, and strategic positioning to provide a framework for short-term, intermediate and long range operating plans. As a part of this activity, HiPerf engages the client in an environmental scan to stay abreast of the threats, demands and opportunities of the political environment, the marketplace and technology.

bullet Organizational Transformation and Renewal: HiPerf provides a proven roadmap for organizations either embarking on change or desiring to renew a previously implemented change initiative. Consulting services include: assessing the organization readiness to change; determining where the change initiative has stalled; helping organization leaders design a change/renewal plan; helping to implement the plan; and finally, evaluating the impact/results of the change/renewal effort.

bullet Business Planning: HiPerf will assist organizations with completing a business plan to meet financial (costs reduction, savings, profitability) and business growth (market share, new service). HiPerf will also assist in linking business goals with process re-engineering.

bullet Action Planning: Action planning transfers key results and objectives into action. HiPerf assists organizations in developing actionable, “do-able” tasks to meet objectives. HiPerf provides tracking systems as well as responsibility and accountability matrices to ensure completion of tasks.

bullet Systems Alignment: Organizational Systems often become out of alignment as a result of a change initiative. HiPerf works with organizational leaders and managers to realign organizational support systems to complement an organizational change (e.g. cultural, control, and technical systems).

bullet High Performance Work: Organizations desiring to redesign work to maximize performance may either choose to structure in teams, or redesign individual responsibilities, or both. HiPerf works with managers and employees to structure work to complement high performance and then to structure the organization to complement these high performing work systems. Often, intact or adhoc teams are chartered to design and implement these new work systems.

bullet Performance Measures and Indicators: Organizations need to measure performance to maintain balance between internal efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. HiPerf will assist in the development and use of performance measures. We will align performance measures and indicators with customer requirements and key organizational strategies, goals, and objectives.

bullet Processes and Productivity Improvements: HiPerf provides a full range of process re-engineering, process mapping and process improvement assistance. HiPerf also provides a comprehensive approach to increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, control, and adaptability of manufacturing (process based operations) as well as service (outcome based) organizations.