
Information on Heading Tags and Extra Graphics

This template requires a graphics program to change the graphic header to add your name. We can change the name for you at no charge within the first 30 days after purchase.

These are the heading colors and sizes that are defined in this template:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

You have many choices on heading colors and sizes!

Image Licenses:

Small images are licensed for use in this template only. They must not be removed for other uses. The main images are sample images from the image provider listed on the image itself. We will size your images, upon request, at no charge, within the first 30 days of purchase.

Code to change the images in the slide show:

Find this code on the dwts in the Templates folder...

<div id="slider" class="nivoSlider">
<img src="images/mainimage1.jpg" alt="" title="You can choose to have this text show or not" />
<img src="images/mainimage2.jpg" alt="" title="" />
<img src="images/mainimage3.jpg" alt="" title="Send us your images and we'll size them for this slide show for free!" />
<img src="images/mainimage2.jpg" alt="" title="" />

When you save your images, the easiest way is to change the name of your images to ours. You will need to resize your images with your graphics program to 450 pixels x 190 pixels. If you'd like us to resize your images for this template, just let us know. We'll do it for free!

On the title="Computer Fraud", all you need to do is to add the line or two of text that goes with that image. It will automatically appear after you save the dwt. Make sure you make the changes on BOTH dwt's!

Want more images, just copy the code and add them! If you'd like to play with the JavaScript, I got it here:
Thanks again to Nivo Slider for a great slide show!!!