Purchase one or more of our Raffle Tickets for a chance to WIN up to $30,000 toward the purchase of a new Chrysler product of your choice!




Global Literacy Raffle

7 Degrees of Change needs your help to meet its mission of giving the gift of knowledge!  On September 9th, 2013, we will begin selling raffle tickets in order to Help the World Read One Degree At A Time!

By purchasing a raffle ticket you will help us to fulfill our mission to feed a hungry mind with the gift of books.  With the proceeds of this raffle 7 Degrees of Change Foundation will fund the following programs:

  • Global Literacy:  Proceeds will be provided to the Library Renewal Program in the Philippines to fulfill its 20 year obligation to build 200 libraries

  • Local Literacy:  Proceeds will be provided to support the High Point Public Library Foundation

  • Innovation in Education:  Proceeds will be provided for technology and facilities support for Phoenix Academy Charter Schools

  • Therapeutic Programs:  Proceeds will be provided to support Horsepower Therapeutic Riding Center and the 7 Degrees Agri-Therapy Program

Please tour our website to learn more about the programs we support.

With each raffle ticket, you will have a chance to win up to $30,000 toward the purchase of any Chrysler product of your choice from Ilderton Motors in High Point, NC. You must purchase your ticket prior to midnight the day before May 31st, 2014.

If you purchase your tickets early, you will have a chance to win one of our cash prizes:

  • Purchase your tickets by February 28th, 2014 and you will have 2 chances to win $500
  • Purchase your tickets by January 31st, 2014 and you will have 2 chances to win $1,500
  • Purchase your tickets by December 31st, 2013 and you will have 3 chances to win $2,500

Winning a cash prize will not disqualify you from the grand prize of $30,000 toward a Chrysler product from Ilderton Motors.  A maximum of 4,000 tickets will be sold for this event.

All drawings will be held on May 31st, 2014.  Winners will be notified by phone, email, or mail.   

Tickets can be purchased by credit card on our website.

Dates to Remember... Drawing to Win a Car May 31st, 2014!

December 31, 2013

Purchase your tickets by December 31st, 2013 and you will have 3 chances to win $2,500

January 31, 2014

Purchase your tickets by January 31st, 2014 and you will have 2 chances to win $1,500

February 28, 2014

Purchase your tickets by February 28th, 2014 and you will have 2 chances to win $500