We Need Your Support!

Help us collect 100,000 books to build and stock libraries in underprivileged schools in the Philippines.


It is essential that English curriculum be taught for the long term viability of the Philippines and its people. The 7 Degrees of Change Foundation has a commitment to fill 200 libraries in rural areas in the country over the next 20 years to assist in this endeavor. Books that may be sitting in an attic, a closet, a basement or ready for the recycling bin can make an impact on someone's life that cannot be measured; it literally can be a life saver.

We ask that you take a few moments to put these gently used, precious items that may be collecting dust into a copier paper sized box for these appreciative and desperately poor children. The primary drop points are the High Point Public Library and Phoenix Academy; however the Facebook page will have other drop box locations provided. If you are not in the area please leave a note on Facebook and we will make arrangements to pick them up.


You can help make a difference across the globe!


For information on how you can help contact us!