Your customers have questions... write the questions and answers here!
We hope these answers help you! If you don't
find the answer you're looking for, please contact us!
Does this template work in all web editors?
This template will work in Expression Web Design or Dreamweaver CS3/4,depending upon which product you purchased. Expression Web templates have a TNT (Templates in Time) logo, Dreamweaver Templates have a DNT (Dreamweaver in Time) logo.
How do I add my site name?
The template uses an image logo. You can use your graphics program to change it yourself, or we will change it for you at no cost within 30 days after template purchase.
What if my computer crashes, can I get another copy of the template?
We will send you another copy within the first 30 days of purchase. After the 30 days, if the design is still on our website for sale, we will send you one additional copy. If it is not shown in our catalog, we no longer have the template in our files and will not be able to replace it. We highly recommend that you make a backup copy on a floppy disk or CD.

Can I change the main image to my own picture?
Yes, you can easily change the main image to an image of your choice. Just make your images the same size as ours and add them to the images folder. If you do not wish to work in "Code View" to change the image names to your image names, you'll need to name your images as we did: mainimage1.jpg; mainimage2.jpg and mainimage3.jpg.
What happened to my slide show when I opened up the template? I don't see it!
It's okay, it's there! Just go to "File > Preview in Browser" in order to see it!
I have a question about how templates/CSS works?
If you have a specific question about one of our templates, you can email us anytime and we will do our best to answer your question.
How can I easily find out if you have new designs available?
All of our new templates are placed on the "Newest Template" pages of our web. They remain there for approximately 30 days. Thanks for choosing Templates in Time or our sister site, Dreamweaver in Time.
What is a "Soft Return" or "Break" and how do I do it?
Sometimes you want your text to go to the next line, but when you hit the "enter" key, it goes to far... like this:
If you don't want that much space, all you do is hold down your "shift"
key and hit your "enter" key. The line goes directly under, just like a
wrapped text. Like this:
See, easy as can be!
This process adds a <br /> tag in your code, so you don't have to go into code view to put it there. Quick & easy!