Who We Are
Our Inspiration
The 7 Degrees Foundation was originally formed as the "Gail Norcross Trigueiro Foundation" to honor the memory of Gail, who was taken from this earth far too young after losing her battle with cancer on January 7, 2007 at age 51. She was a wonderful lady who is dearly missed.
Our Beginnings
Vickie SyCip Herrera served at the International School Manila, positively affecting the lives of countless thousands of students for decades. She expressed a desperate need for books in the Philippines, so in her honor and Gail's memory, the journey began.
Our Continuing Mission
The foundation has been privileged to provide over 150,000 books and facilitate the opening of numerous libraries in the Philippines, with an ongoing commitment to open nearly 200 more over the next 20 years and to support libraries and literacy programs in the United States.